
Tired of losing sales due to Credit-Challenged customers?

We can help you RECOVER them!

We are part of a nationwide network of 200+ “zero-advanced pay” credit repair agencies that follow FTC, CROA, FCRA, TSR and local laws to help consumers with credit challenges.
Notice: Your information and your customers’ information will be kept private. Such private information is never shared with another party outside of our direct partner management without proper consent.

Watch How The CNS Works For You

Recover your expenses!

We are helping businesses in various industries recover lost sales, increase conversions and improve customer satisfaction through our exclusive credit repair network, legal partner network, and debt relief solution partners.

Major Industries We Support:

Not A Referral Program

We’re not the typical referral partners who you’ll just exchange leads and commissions with. We’re not taking commissions and we’re not paying any either.

We want you to become an Advocate for your customers and help them achieve their original goal with you.

Think of this more like a lead nurturing system on steroids. Instead of losing that $5,000 or $500,000+ sale, we could help improve the client’s credit score/history and send them back to you more qualified!

The entire process is automated and as their Advocate, you are notified every step of the way! The leads are still exclusively yours. Not shared or sent to anyone else.  

More Customers

Instead of losing customers who can't qualify for financing, we can get them qualified and sent back.

Decrease Costs

What if you could lower your ad spend and still get more customers coming back?

More Automation

Instead of doing so much manual work to follow-up, we could build an automation system for you.

We Are NOT Just Credit Repair Experts

We help businesses recover lost sales when their customers don’t qualify for financing. We know if your lead is declined because of their credit, you will likely lose that sale.

You paid for the advertising, the marketing and the incentives to acquire each lead, whether or not they end up qualifying for financing. Which means, every customer we save for you boosts your bottom-line profits.

Partner with us and automate the process of turning those customers you would normally lose, into happy customers. We’ll help them rebuild their credit, send them back to you, and you close the deal!

Notice: This is an actual result example but this is not a guarantee all customers will experience the same score increase.

We Built Our Own Certified CSO Network

It has not been a simple journey building our network of Credit Service Organizations (CSO). Each CSO Partner in  our network is actually a client of our Credit Repair Agency Launch Program (CRAL) where we build their business from the ground up. So every Credit Repair Agency follows our strict compliance guidelines and procedures to ensure the highest possible success rate for everyone involved.

Some of our CSO Partners

200+ CROA-Compliant CSO Partners Nationwide!

We currently have 200+ Credit Service Organization (CSO) Partners in our network (indicated by dark blue states in the map shown), light blue states are in-progress of more agencies. All operating in complete compliance with Federal and State regulations and mandates.

We all offer zero-advanced pay credit repair services and share the same philosophy of helping customers succeed.

What you get from us:

  • More qualified customers ready to buy from you after we work on their credit report and improve scores and history.
  • Regular updates on your customer’s credit repair journey so you know when to reach back out & close that sale.
  • Peace of mind, knowing that your customers are being served by the most compliant and effective credit repair service available anywhere.

What your customers get:

  • Six months or more of industry leading, best practices, highest compliance, credit repair services available today with zero-advanced pay for credit repair services.
  • Personalized customer support providing regular updates on their progress.
  • Pre-litigation support from our exclusive credit repair attorney network.
  • Documented contracts with full legal disclosures including cancellation policies and compliance requirements.

our network gives you a Competitive Advantage

As one of our Advocates, you're able to generate more sales and happier customers!

Our Lead Nurturing Process​

Boomerang Effect

Leads you send us are nurtured and returned to you more qualified for the financing they need.

Smarter not Harder

Create more sales without any extra work on your part. We take care of them for you.

Automation Always Wins

We do the nurturing. You do the closing. Customers do the smiling. Win-win-win.

Industries We Service

Customer Acquisition and Lifetime Value will always be the difference between making it or breaking it. We are the first major and most effective solution to always “make it” for your business, by taking a lost asset and making it into a new customer goldmine.

Today’s retail environment isn’t strictly limited to brick and mortar locations, but has expanded to include online sales, a social media presence, in-home demonstrations, and a variety of other non-traditional methods of facilitating sales growth

In-store financing, store credit cards and high ticket purchase financing can be a bottleneck for many businesses. When you are closing only 1 out of 10 customers who walk through that door, gaining even just 2 more consistently will skyrocket your business. This is where Credit Manager comes in to make that happen. The best part is, you are in complete control of being connected and in contact with your customer the whole time.

Consider this scenario, a customer comes in looking to purchase $5,000 in merchandise, your employee spends 2 hours with them picking out exactly what they need and want, only to get to the financing part and have it all fall through. Unfortunately, the customer has poor credit and simply doesn’t qualify for financing.

Normally, this is where the story ends, with your labor costs coming out of your pocket and with no profit possibility. Not anymore.With Credit Manager, this is just the beginning of that sales process journey, simply get their permission to input their information in the Credit Manager ecosystem, and we will take care of the rest.

From there this is what Credit Manager will do:

  • Connect with your customer to assess their custom needs
  • Develop a comprehensive credit repair and/or building plan
  • Help them implement this plan over the timeline discussed (6 months or less)
  • Have ongoing check-in communications with them during this whole process to ensure they are on track
  • Once the goal has been met, you are notified and can now know with complete certainty that the customer qualifies
  • You can stay connected to the customer during this whole process, so your company is always top of mind for them.
  • Now you can close the sale or even upgrade the purchase with their new credit qualifications

E-Commerce is the go-to retail option for large segments of the population and it is growing at an exponential pace. This means competition is fierce, profit can fluctuate, customer acquisition costs can skyrocket and lifetime value of a customer ends up being diminished. It is a dream and a nightmare all at the same time, with being able to ride high on record profits and low costs or being stuck with rising costs and sinking profits.

What can your business do to mitigate or eliminate these risks?

Let’s take a quick look at some industry numbers for e-commerce.

Across industries, the average lifetime value of a customer is $168 and to get that customer it the cost is on average $45. That is a great ratio to have, but what happens when the costs go up and the lifetime value starts to go down? Competition is fierce and it is only a matter of time before a competitor figures out how to acquire customers cheaper and more profitably, being able to dominate your market and make your brand near invisible.

What if you never had to worry about that?

Reconxn has what you need to not just maintain what you have but to lower your customer acquisition costs while increasing their lifetime value to your business. This will allow you to scale beyond what was possible before you connected with Reconxn.

How this process works:

  • Capture your customer information and input it into the Reconxn ecosystem
  • You can set the goals and prospective needs of those customers
  • Reconxn nurtures and primes those customers to reconnect with your business
  • Through keeping your business top of mind, repeat purchases and customer loyalty increases
  • As these metrics increase the ratio for customer acquisition vs lifetime value of a customer becomes lopsided
  • Once customer referral processes are in place, your customer acquisition costs start to drop drastically
  • Capture visitor information through Reconxn and the ecosystem nurtures them to become a customer
  • If you offer financing, any customer who doesn’t qualify, simply let Reconxn take them into our ecosystem, we will fix them up and send them right back to you.
  • With Reconxn you have now decreased your customer acquisition cost, increased your lifetime customer value and captured previously lost visitors as new customers
  • Scale beyond what was previously possible for your e-commerce business

Independent automotive retailers experience stiff competition from mega-retailers and super-sized automotive supply stores. Industry average customer acquisition cost for a dealer $630 for every new vehicle they sell.

That being said, new vehicle sale profits are either diminishing, not existent or you are losing money on every unit sold. That is the harsh reality of new vehicle sales today.

Now for some good news…

The industry lifetime customer value on average for a new vehicle buyer is $50,000 when you take into consideration referrals, repeat service sales and repeat business.

What if you could significantly decrease the average customer acquisition cost AND boost the Lifetime Customer Value at the same time?

How would that change the profitability of your dealership?

Customer referrals for sales are some of the most cost effective ways of decreasing your customer acquisition costs, but most dealerships struggle with increasing referral numbers in a significant way. Why is that? If the customer sales experience pre and post sale at your dealership is the exact same or too similar to every other dealership, then your business simply won’t stand out as referral worthy in that customer’s eyes.

That all changes simply by tapping into the Reconxn ecosystem.

Reconxn will improve your metrics, build a loyal customer base that is happy to refer their friends and family, and capture new customers you thought you had previously lost.

Here is an overview of how that will look:

  • Input your current customer information into the Reconxn ecosystem
  • We go to work nurturing those customers, keeping your brand top of mind for them, letting them know that you care about their business.
  • Existing customers can be sent service reminders, tips, product satisfaction check-ins and new model alerts.
  • Customers who were ready to purchases but couldn’t qualify, simply let the Reconxn ecosystem know and we will help get them qualified, sending them right back to you when they are ready. Capturing previously lost customers at almost no cost to you.
  • Through the Reconxn ecosystem you have full control and can communicate with your customers at all times.
  • As customer satisfaction increases, as customer communication increases, so do the number of referrals, which get put into the Reconxn ecosystem only to start the business boosting process all over again.

Let’s get down to business. You are ready to become THE top seller at your dealership, or if you are already there, you are ready to become the national top salesperson.

Sounds great right?

Reconxn has a path to help get you there without having to put in extra hours or man hours.

When 9 out of 10 of the prospects you talk to each day end up not purchasing, it impacts your bottom line and eats up your time.

What if you could convert another 1 or 2 prospects into customers every day?

That would mean an extra 26 to 52 units sold by you per month. Keep in mind, those numbers are ON TOP of the units you’re already selling. Does that sound good to you?

This is the worst case scenario. Add in how happy your new customers will be, the repeat business that they will bring back to YOU and only you, and the family and friends they refer to you. As you can see, this adds up very quickly for you as a superstar car salesperson.

People lose out on buying a car for all sorts of reasons, including financing, indecision, pricing, and the list goes on. Reconxn supports your sales process, captures “lost” prospects, nurtures indecisive prospects and keeps your name at the top of their mind in the best of ways.

Here is how the process would look:

  • Input your current customer information into the Reconxn ecosystem
  • Input the “almost” customer prospect information into the Reconxn ecosystem
  • Reconxn goes to work nurturing your current customers, checking in with them regarding satisfaction, reminders, sales and general communication from you.
  • For your almost customers, Reconxn connects whose who didn’t qualify for financing with a credit repair partner program, gets them qualified and then directs them right back to you ready and qualified to buy.
  • All the other almost customers, get started on nurturing messages, helping them make a decision when they are unsure, letting them know about sales and always referring them back to YOU.
  • You have complete control in terms of being able to contact your customers and prospects, the messaging you want to go out to them and how frequently it is all done.
  • Within 6 months or less, you will be getting an extra 1 to 2 unit sales (or more) per day, like clockwork, without any extra effort on your part. More referrals, more repeat buyers, more qualified customers and more money for you!

As a Medical Professional, whether a Cosmetic Surgeon or a Dentist, you work hard and are always looking for ways to maximize your results for your practice. The easiest ways to upgrade your practice is by increasing returning patient visits, attracting referrals for new patients and having options for those who are having trouble affording the services they need. You can try all the traditional routes of online advertising, mass direct-mail campaigns, follow up calls and simple reminders. Unfortunately, if you use all the same strategies, you are going to get the same predictably disappointing results. It is more important than ever for the growth of your business to move toward additional ways of servicing your patients, this is particularly true with the growing cosmetic procedure demand from Millenials. They are extremely strong when it comes to Doctor loyalty, prefer to be met with new ways of doing things. Millenials also have a strong need for some of the solutions the Reconxn Ecosystem has so they can continue their cosmetic procedure journey. Connecting to the Reconxn ecosystem will automatically give your practice the ability to gain patients that were previously unavailable, build patient loyalty and good will, increase referrals and simultaneously decrease Patient Acquisition Cost while increasing Patient Lifetime Value for your practice. Reconxn takes what you’re currently doing and supercharges the results, growing your practice without additional effort or cost on your part. Here is what the process would look like:

  • Connect your current patient contact information into the Reconxn ecosystem.
  • Any new prospective patient information is now also entered into the Reconxn ecosystem.
  • Now your job is done, Reconxn gets to work nurturing current patient relationships, sending them reminders, check-in messages and promotions.
  • With prospective new patients, if they are having trouble qualifying for financing due to credit score issues, Reconxn takes them under our wing with a credit repair and building partner.
  • Once the prospect has gone through the process and meets the qualification requirements, Reconxn automatically sends them back to you, ready and willing to move forward as a new patient.
  • You maintain complete control over messaging, information flow and can use the Reconxn ecosystem to stay in touch with all your contacts as you see fit.
  • New Patient Acquisition Cost is automatically decreased when previously lost prospects are able to be brought back.
  • Increased communication, financial help, and nurturing processes build patient loyalty, increase return visit rates, and increase Patient Lifetime Value to your practice.
  • This is all done without any extra effort on your part.

More referrals, bigger approvals, higher average sale prices, more repeat buyers and more houses sold.

With the Reconxn system, all of that becomes a reality for your career, best of all, without taking up more of your time and no additional marketing budget increases.

Client Lifetime Value for Real Estate Agents is on average: $62,747

This is how you get that number:
Profit + Repeat Business Money + Referral income = Client Lifetime Value (CLV)

Let’s input the average numbers across your industry,
P($17,597) + RBM($39,953) + RI($8,197) = CLV($62,747)

Imagine, almost automatically bumping up all those numbers, without additional spending or man hours on your part.

If with using the Reconxn ecosystem you could add just 100 new clients over the span of your career, that would be an additional $6,274,700.00 in your pocket based on the average CLV. With Reconxn, you won’t be average.

This is how it would work:

  • Simply enter your client and prospective client information into the Reconxn ecosystem.
  • From there Reconxn works hard on nurturing your clients, keeping them up to date, sending them reminders and any other information you would like them to know.
  • For clients struggling to qualify for financing for their desired properties, simply place them in the Reconxn ecosystem and we will connect them with our credit repair and building partners.
  • Once they are now able to meet the requirements to qualify, they are sent right back to you so you can get them in the property of their dreams.
  • Reconxn nurtures your current clients for repeat business, saves lost clients through credit services.
  • Your name top of mind, allows you to simply and easily communicate with them the whole time, increases referral rate from your happy clients and simplifies automatic growth in your Real Estate career.

Credit is the lifeblood of a smooth financial life for every person in society today. Credit cards are a one of the most important tools for keeping that financial path smooth for your customer.
Unfortunately, not everyone is ready or qualified to be your customer, costing you wasted advertising dollars and personnel costs on leads that aren’t ready to be your customer.

Right now your average customer acquisition cost is about $80, which brings you in about $120 a year in profit with an average customer lifespan in your business being 5 years. This means as of today that your cardholder lifetime value is about $520.

What happens when you are able to save unqualified leads turn them into cardholders?

This is where Reconxn comes in. The Reconxn ecosystem will help to decrease your customer acquisition cost, increase your yearly profits and increase the cardholder lifespan for your business.

Here is the customer flow for a “lost” customer back into your business when using Reconxn:

  • Customer applies for one of your cards
  • Unfortunately they aren’t approved due to a low credit score
  • There information is entered into the Reconxn ecosystem
  • Reconxn immediately connects them with one of our credit repair and credit building partners
  • Once the “lost” customer reaches the credit score thresholds required for approval, Reconxn sends them back to you
  • Customer gets approved and now has good financial habits, making them a lower risk cardholder
  • This process develops:
    1. Loyalty in the customer as you have helped them change their financial outlook.
    2. Lowers your cardholder acquisition cost as you are now saving a previously lost customer.
    3. Increases your profitability as the customer has good financial habits
    4. Lengthens the customer life span as good credit habits encourage keeping and using credit accounts, not closing them.

More franchises sold per dollar spent on acquisition than ever before. This will be your new reality once the Reconxn ecosystem is tied into your franchise sales cycle. A world exists where your franchise development department is a profit center for your company, getting higher quality candidates, for less money, and selling more franchises than ever before. $162.50 per lead. That is the exact middle of the road number for what is considered a “good” quality lead in the franchise development industry. Add to that, out of every 100 leads, only 1 new franchise sale comes of it. Realistically, it is often less than that. From initial lead capture until final sale, the process often takes 6 months or more. In any other industry, these metrics would be unacceptable. Here at Reconxn, we see these metrics for the franchise development industry as unacceptable and that is why we have developed a proprietary system to decrease your costs while making you more franchise sales. What Reconxn does for you without any extra effort on your part:

  1. Increase conversions on your leads, driving down acquisition costs
  2. Decrease average prospect drop off in your sales cycle, which allows you to grow faster and more efficiently
  3. Decrease costs by using your current high paid employee’s time more effectively, which further decreases acquisition cost while accelerating franchise growth.
  4. Refurbish previously lost leads, get them pre-funded and pre-qualified, tagging them back into your process ready to invest in your franchise.
  5. Generate outside revenue from those lost leads, helping to buffer ad costs and allowing you to scale your lead generation in a fast and cost minimal way.
  6. In some franchises, increase per-franchise revenue once a franchise it is open giving you a royalty revenue boost across the board.
  7. Custom Access to your own portal, with complete transparency so you can see where your leads are in the process at all times!

Without Reconxn, you are leaving money and franchise sales on the table. That is the harsh reality. Until now, 99% of the leads that you have were a waste of your time and, to be frank, like flushing your Franchise Development budget right down the toilet. Thankfully it doesn’t have to be that way anymore. Outspend your competitors, close more franchise sales, grow your franchise faster and do it all without extra manpower or increased budget on your part. Get started with Reconxn today!

Ready to get started with you, but don’t have the credit and can’t qualify for financing…

At this point, you’ve spent the ad dollars, the effort and the personal time to close this new client. There is no going back. You did a great job and they REALLY want to get started with you as their coach.

Now comes the time where you get their payment information, only to find out that they have no credit room left, they can’t qualify for additional credit increases due to their poor credit score and your financing company will not approve them with the state of their credit score.

You’re gutted.
The prospective client is gutted.
Your ROI on this prospect is in the negative financially and has no hope to get to the positive.

That is until now. Reconxn can not only help your prospect get financially qualified, but you get to recoup some of your acquisition costs AND create a positive experience for the prospect.

What happens when a prospect has a positive experience with you EVEN when they didn’t sign up?

They refer people to you, they come back to you when they are ready and they end up being a net positive for your business. Some of the most loyal, profitable and satisfied coaching clients often start off as unqualified prospects.

Here is the client flow for a “lost” prospect being injected back into your business when using Reconxn:

  • Client enthusiastically agrees to hire you as their Coach
  • Unfortunately they don’t have the credit room to pay your fees
  • Their credit score is too low to qualify for limit increases and to qualify with your financing company
  • You offer them help to get them qualified so they can come back to you when they are ready
  • Their information is entered into the Reconxn ecosystem
  • Reconxn immediately connects them with one of our credit repair and credit building partners
  • Once the “lost” customer reaches the credit score thresholds required for approval, Reconxn sends them back to you
  • Customer gets approved and now has good financial habits, making them a more successful coaching client that is even more satisfied with your services
  • This process develops:
    1. Loyalty in the customer as you have helped them change their financial outlook.
    2. Lowers your client acquisition cost as you are now saving a previously lost coaching client.
    3. Increases your good will with the prospect, even if they do not become your client
    4. Lengthens the customer life span as good will encourages keeping and renewing coaching services with you.

You have complete custom control of all your prospect information at all times from a private portal of your own. This allows you to see where your prospect is in the process and gives you the ability to reach out to them at any time.

Schedule a demo today!

In a nutshell, if your success depends on whether your customer has good credit, then you need us. Simple.

So whether you’re selling a franchise, a house, a car, a boat, offering loans/credit or selling jewellery, electronics, vacations, coaching programs, high-ticket products/services or anything else that needs a good credit score, we help you sell more of it with less effort.

Get Free Consultations

In a nutshell, if your success depends on whether your customer has good credit, then you need us. Simple.

So whether you’re selling a franchise, a house, a car, a boat, offering loans/credit or selling jewellery, electronics, vacations, coaching programs, high-ticket products/services or anything else that needs a good credit score, we help you sell more of it with less effort.

Credit Manager Road Map


Book a call with our consultants to discover what your needs and existing assets are that need automating.


Onboarding and preparation of your digital asset integration takes place to ensure automation and systems will work.


Integration of your digital assets with our partners directly and/or via the Credit Manager network to complete the automation process.

Credit Manager

Once you're connected to our partners in the network, your leads will be nurtured and returned to you at the appropriate time.


To get a full breakdown of how the Client Nurturing System works, please complete the form below to watch a 30-minute webinar. After the webinar, you’ll be able to book a call to discuss with a consultant to discuss how the automation actually works, the cost to setup and the ROI.

DISCLAIMER: Not every lead sent to us qualifies for a credit repair service. Our responsibility is helping customers correct and update any inaccurate data in their credit report. We will not participate in any illegal, false or fraudulent practices to improve a customer’s score. We cannot guarantee that their scores or history will improve every time. Not all customers that complete our credit repair program will be 100% qualified for your financing terms. 

Client Nurturing System Managed By


We breathe life into your "dead" leads.

Leads you once thought were lost, gone, unresponsive, no good, maybe even considered “dead” can now be resuscitated, revived and then returned to you with more potential revenue than before… on autopilot.

You don't have a lead generation problem.
You have a client-acquisition problem.

Even if you don’t have all of your marketing campaigns rolling, you likely already generate leads or get leads from somewhere, but your lead to sales conversion is extremely low. Perhaps in the 1-3% and the leads you don’t convert are lost forever. What if the lost leads could actually be brought back to you and possibly double your current sales volume? Is that worth exploring?

Do you have high-ticket sales in your pipeline and/or sales volume dependent on your prospect's credit score?

We help close more deals.

Simple Solution

Here's What We Do

Rekindle. Revive. Reconnect.

More Sales

Our automated business ecosystem is built to generate more sales.

Increase Revenue

Our automated process is designed to increase revenue. Front and back.

Higher Conversations

Our digital infrastructure is integrated with yours to increase conversions.

Reduce All Costs

Regardless of what you are doing now, our integration will decrease costs.

Boomerang Effect

Our unique automation will bring your leads back like a boomerang.

Outsmart Competitors

This technological advancement is not yet used in many other industires.

If anything you sell is over $5,000 we should talk.

Whether you’re selling a franchise or a motorcycle, our automated system will help you close more deals. Period.

We directly connect you with our partners.

These partners are actually credit repair agencies we have built from the ground up using our automation technologies, legal compliance and above-standard practice. We have designed, developed and managed over 200 credit repair companies using our latest technologies and systems.

Credit Manager is a credit repair agency, providing credit restoration, credit building, credit monitoring and business credit services.

We Accept:

Copyright © 2024. Credit Manager, Inc. All rights reserved.
Designed and Managed by Rank Above Others, Inc.